Crowdsourced Hunger Games Cover Art for C U NXT SAT

YES to crowdsourced social media content, YES to art.

I came across C U NXT SAT's Facebook competition for its Hunger Games-themed event and found it to be absolutely fantastic. Really, the guys behind C U just won't stop with the inspiring engagement.

Here are the instructions posted on the event page:
Design a cover art for Sat’s party. All types of media accepted – drawing, design, photography. 
Please refer to our latest covers for placement of text.
Information to be used is: 
C U NXT SAT logo and the title HUNGER GAMES
Please respect the text placement guidelines by referring to our previous covers. Download our logo here.
Best design wins a bottle on the house + 4 names on the guest list and the opportunity to have your work posted on our event. More prizes for second and third. 

Check out the creative album art interpretations submitted so far (all of which were robbed off of Facebook):

Samar Haddad
Via Facebook

Ralph Saade
Via Facebook
François S. Abboud
Via Facebook


Nicole Saidy
Via Facebook
Ivine Bedran
Via Facebook
Sophie Safi
Via Facebook

Edwin Harb
Via Facebook
Jean-Mark Abi Rizk
Via Facebook

Omar Abi Nader
Via Facebook
Elias Mitri
Via Facebook
If you'd like to join in, leave your submission on their Facebook event wall. Deadline is tonight MIDNIGHT. 

Create, appreciate, 


February 5, 2015 


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